Who This Course is For

Dive into the World of LCEVC: Your Ultimate Guide to Next-Gen Video Encoding!

  • Video professionals eager to unlock the full potential of LCEVC technology

  • Tech enthusiasts seeking to stay at the forefront of the latest advancements in video compression.

  • Anyone curious about the future of streaming media and the role of innovative codecs like LCEVC.

What You Will Learn

Six Lessons that Take You from Zero to Hero

  • Lesson 1: Understanding LCEVC Basics: Learn the fundamentals of LCEVC and its revolutionary approach to video enhancement.

  • Lesson 2: Exploring LCEVC Tools and Platforms: Discover a variety of tools and platforms for working with LCEVC, including V-Nova's platform and third-party encoders.

  • Lesson 3: Customizing LCEVC Encoding Configurations: Master the art of fine-tuning LCEVC encoding parameters to achieve optimal video quality and compression efficiency.

  • Lesson 4: Producing LCEVC-Enhanced Encodes with FFmpeg: Learn how to use FFmpeg to produce high-quality LCEVC-encoded videos with ease.

  • Lesson 5: Encoding LCEVC on the V-Nova Platform: Learn to use V-Nova's online tools to create optimal LCEVC encoding ladders for multiple content types and output targets.

  • Lesson 6: Deploying LCEVC in Real-world Applications: Discover practical strategies for deploying LCEVC in a wide range of applications, from streaming services to mobile apps.



Jan Ozer

Jan is a recognized expert in streaming media who has tested codecs since 1993 (not a misprint) and has taught in-person and online courses on video and streaming production since 1995.

Jan is a contributing editor to Streaming Media Magazine, where he tests and reports on codecs, encoders, and related products and services. Jan has authored multiple books on streaming production, including Video Encoding by the Numbers: Eliminate the Guesswork from your Streaming Video and Learn to Produce Video with FFmpeg in 30 Minutes or Less.

Besides these courses, Ozer teaches workshops at Streaming Media online and in-person events. Overall, the Streaming Learning Center has served over 4000 students from some of the biggest names in streaming video.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Greetings

    • Introduction to LCEVC

    • Lesson 2: Working with LCEVC

    • Lesson 3: LCEVC Encoding Fundamentals

    • Lesson 4: Encoding LCEVC with FFmpeg

    • Lesson 5: Encoding LCEVC and Playing Files on the V-Nova Platform

    • Lesson 6: Deploying LCEVC in Players

    • LCEVC Resources